This May Be The Last Day Of My Life

This May Be The Last Day Of My Life

Veteran’s Day is so appropriate for me to die.

I am a veteran of a war against Big Pharma, the Federal Government and the hoax of drug mandated medicine since April 2000.

Over 14 and a half years of war without end for me.

Frankly, I have had enough.

I have removed all of my bedding and items from the house, and wrapped them loosely in a big green plastic tarp which I put behind the garbage.

I am ready for my sister to come home from work to talk to her, and try to mitigate the damage if I commit suicide tonight.

I already talked to her son Benji and told him the truth.

I told him “This is different from a normal suicide.  I am dead anyway, and if the Mafia catches me it will torture me to death.”

I told Benji truthfully that I was severely depressed in Reno and almost committed suicide there.

I told him that I spent the better part of two days researching suicidal methods on the Internet.

In the end, I decided it was better to come home and try to explain myself before doing myself in.

No suicide note would do my situation justice. I needed to talk to people face to face.

I feel bad that this suicide is going to happen in Albany.

I will let Laurie take me to the hospital for a psych admission, and try to get in.

If not, I am likely to die in the hospital parking lot.

It’s over unless some sort of miracle occurs.

It may be QUITE messy, but I am determined to soon end my life.

Allen Darman with help from a heroic and deeply appreciated WordPress Collaborative Internet Team-> I love YOU ALL.

P.S. Fuck the American (not Russian) Mafia, the Illuminati NWO folks and our God Damn Federal Government.

They took my life.

iROCK4iFREEDOM2014 Has Been Renamed By Its Major Sponsor Named Google 2 iWoodstock2014 (dot com)

iROCK4iFREEDOM2014 Has Been Renamed By Its Major Sponsor Named Google 2 iWoodstock2014 (dot com)

Like a snake, we keep shedding (website or blog) skins, getting better over time–>




And Other Internet Woodstock websites of ours Are All going to meld together seamlessly into –>

This blog is under construction until late July, 2014.

Global Freedom Summit 2014; A Precursor To The 1st Internet Woodstock

Global Freedom Summit 2014; A Precursor To The 1st Internet Woodstock

I consider this Global Freedom Summit 2014 Event to be one precursor to the 1st Internet Woodstock Concert Event called iROCK4iFreedom2014 Or iROCK4FREEDOM put on Worldwide by the Silicon Valley Nine of Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL, Apple And WordPress (and hopefully in partnership with the American and Russian Mafia).

The Power Of A Free And Open Internet

Global Freedom Summit 2014; A Precursor To The 1st Internet Woodstock

Published on Jun 3, 2014

Published on May 29, 2014

Get your online tickets now!…

Published on May 29, 2014

Global Freedom Summit June 2nd-7th 2014
Reserve your tickets for this historic event here:

I consider this Global Freedom Summit 2014 Event to be a precursor to the 1st Internet Woodstock Concert Event called iROCK4iFreedom2014 Or iROCK4FREEDOM put on Worldwide by the Silicon Valley Nine of Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Yahoo, AOL, Apple And WordPress (and hopefully in partnership with the American and Russian Mafia).

Allen Darman aka Allen DNutrientsCure and SmokeMasterAllenD with heroic WordPress Expert Professional Help from Mark J since about April 21, 2012, and with some other heroic WordPress Professional Help from what are likely to be two San Francisco women “genius or near genius members” of “this club

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The U.S. Government Calls Me A Domestic Terrorist; I Call Myself A Man Of God And An Old Hippie That Tells The Truth

The U.S. Government Calls Me A Domestic Terrorist; I Call Myself A Man Of God And An Old Hippie That Tells The Truth

This blog will be Constructed at a Later Date, after I have had Time to Think About Things. I liked the Title I came up with, so I put it up to remind me to get back to it.

I Can Slay Goliath With A Pebble; I Do Not Need A Stone

Worthy of Note–> This mid-July until mid-August 2015 (depending), with a $200 Chromebook, a 5K to 10K philanthropic cash donation to get me what I need nutritionally and otherwise to “Present Well On YouTube”, perhaps the use of a minivan, perhaps an $800 or so Macbook Air to back things up with if I can get someone from Apple or Silicon Valley to give me one for free, and some acceptable housing (acceptable from the standpoints of functionality and safety) in either San Francisco, Mountain View or NYC, I am going to slaughter President Obama, and all of the Senator, Representative, Judicial and Czar Clowns that surround him, with the Truth.

I can Slay Goliath with a Pebble!

I do not Need a Stone!

That’s Efficiency!

Internet Efficiency!!, I mean.

That’s One Part of the Beauty of ->

The Power of a Free and Open Internet!!!

The SBOSS WordPress Management Website

I Can Slay Goliath With A Pebble; I Do Not Need A Stone

For a “Truth Pebble” the size of 5K’s Worth of Angelic Philanthropic Funding to Develop It And Put It On the Internet, I can topple the U.S. Federal Government and–> other corrupt Federal Governments worldwide, Thanks To–>

The Power of a Free and Open Internet!

Assuming I live through this, the above mentioned is someday going to be looked at as >>>The Prime Example of “Internet Efficiency”.<<<

Worthy of Note–> This June or July (depending on when some funding comes in), with a $200 Chromebook, and perhaps a $400 iPad to back it up if I can get Tim Cook of Apple, Inc. to give me one for free, I am going to slaughter President Obama, and all of the Senator, Representative, Judicial and Czar Clowns that surround him, with the Truth.

That’s Efficiency!

Allen Darman…

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I Just Got Off The Phone With Heroic Investigative Reporter Gary Vesperman And This Is What Was Said

Copy Coming later when I have something better than this smart phone in which to write with–> this will happen within four hours because I got my June SSD money today (I checked this by phone).

Allen Darman aka Allen D

Because I Am An Alternative Medical Discoverer President Obama Wants Me Silenced, Locked Up Forever Or Dead

A Temporary Preface (one that will be erased)

This blog is Under both Consideration and Construction.

What follows will be copy that may be Amended. When I write a key blog such as this, I often write copy that is moved or even deleted.


The Signature Piece of Legislation since President Obama first becoming elected and taking office is a piece of legislation named the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

This massive 2,700+ page piece of legislation was the one in which President Obama promised the American Public that “If you like your current healthcare insurance plan you could keep it” and “If you liked your current doctor, you could keep him or her”.

The 2,700+ page bill that created Obamacare is the same bill that Senator Nancy Pelosi said (I have check wording) “You/we? have to pass it before you/we? Know What Is In It”.

President Obama made a big show of “Consulting the American Public for their Thoughts and Opinions” before the Affordable Care Act was passed. To achieve this end, he mandated Town Hall Meetings be held in cities and states all over America so that “the public could have a voice” in the abomination of law that was forced through Congress, and later through the Supreme Court, which had to rule over Obamacare’s Constitutionality as well.

A rough draft of the Copy for this key WordPress blog is Coming Today.

A Tribute To My Father Arthur Patrick Darman

A Tribute To My Father Arthur Patrick Darman

Art passed away on May 28, 1996 at about 7 AM.

My brother Stephen and my sister Leslie were in his hospital room in Albany, NY when this event occurred.

I cannot do this blog, and this very special man, justice today.

Please bear with me.

Allen D